Amber, My Best Friend of 12 Years! |
Arielle & I at a Summer BBQ
Shae, Ky Lee & I this past Spring at a friends wedding. Back in the day we were all rodeo queens together.
Amber TR and I at Pendleton Round Up 05'
Camie & I/TOPGUN Dining Out
Squaw Valley, CA/April '06
My cousins Timmy, Justin, Kyle, Ryan, Valeri, Adam and my brother Jeremy. |
This is Oakley, my old roommate! He is a 4 year old Gold Retriever and is owned by my Best Friend Amber.
In the summer of 2005, my Aunt Linda, her boys and I took a road trip to visit our family in South Dakota. We made several stops to catch the sights!
Wall Drug/Wall, SD--Sitting with the perfect man!
My first trip to Mt. Rushmore, with my cousins Justin & Kyle--It only took me 27 Years!
South Dakota had more round bales than I had never seen!
Greg "The Plumber" and Cheryl ...
Real Beaver Fans!
My Buddy Jack...The Ultimate Beaver Fan! |
But We Are All TRUE Fans in the
Oregon Rain!
FAMILY - I have a very large family who are all very close and spend a lot of time together. These are just of few us!
My Great G'pa Morris at his 90th Birthday (June 04'). He passed away May of 2005 and was recently inducted into Oregon's 4-H Hall of Fame.
My cousins Missy, Shelly and Veronica (cousin in-law) picnicing this summer at Gaston's Cove Orchard Vineyard--Aunt Linda is taking the picture! :-)
These are my favorite girls in the whole wide world!
My little cousins Kadence and Taylor!
Miss Taylor enjoying a day at the spa with the big girls!
What Oregon Girl doesn't love her beach!
Every December I travel to Las Vegas, NV to assist with the annual Miss Rodeo America Pageant. Below are just a few pics during a couple of our fun events! |
2006 Miss Rodeo Oregon, Trena Loftesness and I at the Pageant's Get Aquainted Party.
My friends from OK, WA, and FL...we thought we found us a movie star!
My friends Marcinda, Amber TR and Lori...the Oregonians and the FLORDANIANS!
Myself with 2006 Miss Rodeo America, Amanda Jenkins
I co-chair the fashion show event at the Miss Rodeo America Pageant. Each year the show has a theme...the girls do dance routines to music, model outfits by Wrangler and also model their own personal western evening gown. This year's theme was NASCAR--The MRAP Wrangler 500! We had SO much fun! Part of my experience was having the opportunity to go out to the Las Vegas Speedway to pick up real race items for use as stage props from NASCAR truck driver Brenden Gaughn. I had never seen such a clean garage in my entire life, or so many trucks that looked alike under one roof! Here are just a few pictures, but you can view all the pageant pictures at www.shooterenterprises.com.
Backstage of the Fashion Show: My friend Kiki and I with rising country music star J. Neiman (cowboy hat) and his band member. He has written songs for Garth Brooks such as:
Ride Cowboy Ride & That Girl is a Cowboy.
These are some pictures taken during rehearsal. LEFT: Practicing a skit that was used during the show. RIGHT: Dodge lent us an actual half a race car! The backdrop was painted to look like you were at an acutal NASCAR race with fans in the stands.
RIGHT: Table decorations for our VIP tables. LEFT: Table decorations for general seating...hopefully everyone was a Jr. fan!