Black Widow


You should only be afraid of a female black widows. Male black widow spiders will never come bothering you. A black widow has a sign on its abdomen that means keep away.  It looks like an hourglass. The black widows skeleton is on the outside, called an exoskeleton.  Black widow spiders can be mostly found in north america. When a black widow has mated, they make and egg sac. The baby black widow spiderlings eat other baby black widow spiderlings. They leave the web and then they release tiny silk and swing across the wind to find food and new home.  If a black widow’s husband gets eaten she is called a widow.  If the mother dies, the father is called a widower. It is not most likely for the husband to get eaten by the female.

Black widows live outside typically under wood like toilet seats in an outhouse, or a wood pile. They make some of the strongest webs of any spider.  They are called tangled or cobweb weavers.  When a beetle steps on the web, it gets thrown up into the middle of the web.  The spider eats it.

A mud dauber wasp is the black widows most dangerous enemy.  When a mud dauber wasp attacks it injects the black widow with a venom and it carries it back to its nest. It lays a single egg on the black widow.  When the egg hatches, it eats the black widow.