Pre-Columbia America: A Look Back In Time
Aztec, Inca, Maya
Teacher Page
A WebQuest for 6th Grade Social Studies
Designed by
Stephanie Crop
Introduction | Learners | Standards | Process | Resources | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits | Student Page
This webquest was developed for my 6th grade social studies work sample at Pacific University, and is designed to introduce the history of ancient Aztec, Inca and Maya civiilizations with emphasis to its land, region, people and economy.
This lesson was created for 6th grade social studies with the inclusion of language arts and technology. This lesson can be adapted or adjusted to fit different grade levels or to include other content areas.
Curriculum Standards
By the end of this lesson SWBT identify the three main civilizations of Pre-Columbia America civilizations through their online research.
·Throughout this lesson SWBT list three specific facts relating to the contributions of the Aztec, Inca, and Maya civilizations of Mesoamerica through their online research.
During this lesson SWBT research questions asked of them for inclusion in their news report cooperatively and collaboratively with a peer using online resources.
Oregon Social Studies Standards Addressed:
SS.08.HS.01 Represent and interpret data and chronological relationships from history, using timelines and narratives.
SS.08.HS.05: Understand the political, economic and cultural impact, and lasting influence on early civilizations on world development.
SS:08:HS.05.01: Understand the major characteristics and historical influence of the early civilizations of Mesopotamia, Indus River Valley, Egypt, the America’s, Greece.
Oregon Language Arts Standards Addressed:
EL.06.RE.03 Listen to, read, and understand a wide variety of informational and narrative text, including classic and contemporary literature, poetry, magazines, newspapers, reference materials, and online information.
EL.06.RE.17: Identify the structural features of newspapers, magazines, and online information and use the features to obtain information.
EL.06.RE.19: Identify and/or summarize sequence of events, main ideas, facts, supporting details, and opinions in informational and practical selections.
EL.06.WR.28 Use organizational features of electronic text (e.g., bulletin boards, databases, keyword searches, e-mail addresses) to locate information.
EL.06.WR.29 Use effective note-taking techniques to ensure appropriate documentation of quoted as well as paraphrased material.
Oregon Technology Standards Addressed:
TG.06: Extend communication and collaboration with peers, experts, and other audiences using telecommunications.
Teacher Process:
1. Set up focus projector and tablet.
2. Distribute laptops from the library laptop cart-1 laptop/pair (if applicable).
3. Instruct students to log on and load webpage.
4. Read introduction and task of webquest, discussing with students what can
be found in an encyclopedia article.
5. Pass out student worksheet.
6. Allow the students to explore complete the webquest process!
- Move about the room to help students stay on task and to answer
questions as needed.
Student Process:
1. Recieve your assigned topic and questions from Miss Crop, the News Channel Producer.
2. Make sure you have read through and understand the introduction and the task for the webquest.
3. Review the list of questions, provided by your Producer to be answered throughout your research.
*Each student must individually answer and complete the questions on the worksheet provided. Student Worksheets: Trade/Cities, Pryamids/Architecture, Farming Techniques, Textiles/Art
4. Thoroughly examine the following websites in helping you with your research.
Reporters researching trade & cities visit:
Reporters researching pryamids & architecture visit:
Reporters researching farming techniques visit: (*read last 2 paragraphs)
Reporters researching textiles & art:
Inca Textiles
View Pictures -
Mayan Art
View Pictures -
PART TWO (Writing Block)
5. Once you have completed your research and answered the assigned questions, each of you will use your research to write a brief news report. This report is to be edited by the news Producer and will be delivered by you with your news team to the network viewers.
6. When your news report is completed, you must illustrate a poster depicting the information you are delivering in your news report to be used during the broadcast.
1. As a group you will deliver your news reports to each other rehearsing for the evening broadcast. Other reporters on your news team are instructed to offer positive feedback in order for your team to deliver the best broadcast possible
1. At the conclusion of the unit on Mesoamerica, new teams will deliver your live news broadcast.
The following is to be turned in to Miss Crop, Producer of News Channel 4:
*Research/Question worksheet with answers
*Rough and final drafts of news report
*Illustrated poster
Resources Needed
Computer Lab/Classroom Laptops.
Prior to lesson bookmark webpage.
Student questionnaire worksheet
Student web worksheet (assist w/writing process)
Prior to lesson make sure students will have access to chosen websites.
Your grade for this project will be figured using the following rubric:
Encyclopedia Article Content
Article includes little information that answers the provided questions.
Article includes some information that answers the provided questions, but may also not be clearly organized.
Article includes that is organized and clearly answeres the provided questions using some detail.
Article includes information that is organized and uses details and examples found in student's research to clearly answer the provided questions.
Encyclopedia Article Mechanics
Article includes many grammar and/or spelling mistakes.
Ariticle includes several
grammar and/or spelling mistakes.
Article includes few
grammar and/or spelling mistakes.
Article includes no grammar and/or spelling mistakes.
Cooperative Partner Work
Student exhibited poor behavior in working with their partner.
Student exhibited poor behavior in working with their partner.
Student exhibited satisfactory behavior in working with their partner.
Student exhibited excellent behavior in working with their partner.
Online Research Through Computer Use
Student was not able to use a computer to access and complete the activities outlined in the WebQuest.
With considerable assistance student was able to use a computer to access and complete the activities outlined in the WebQuest.
With assistance student was able to use a computer to access and complete the activities outlined in the WebQuest.
Student was able to use a computer to access and complete the activities outlined in the WebQuest.
This lesson will help students understand the importance and lasting influence of issues, events, people and developments in world history. Students will also be able to identify specific facts relating to the cultures of Pre-Columbia America and the ancient civilizations that occupied the land.
Credits & References
Last updated on August 15, 1999. Based on a template from The WebQuest Page