A WebQuest on the Klondike Gold Rush Designed by
Brendan Kelly Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits | Teacher Page
Your task is to explore the reasons behind the gold rush of 1897 and the paths taken by the prospectors. While exploring keep in mind these key questions: 1) What were the reasons people flocked to the Klondike area and why?2) What kinds of materials were needed to make the trek to the Klondike area? Were any required? 3) What paths were available to the "stampeders" and what were the factors that made them choose their path? 4) What sort of environmental factors did the "stampeders" have to face during their trek? 4) Who was profiting the most from the Klondike gold rush? 5) What was the outcome of the prospectors? After completing the WebQuest you will be asked to demonstrate your understanding of the Klondike Gold Rush by creating, with a partner, an artistic depiction of the voyage of your Klondike prospector. Starting from out current city and then your final destination at Dawson City. This artistic depiction can be in the form of a journal with images and words describing your voyage, a picture book, a poster, or any other form that can be approved by the teacher. Once completed groups will present their project to the class. ![]() You are now all prospectors in the year 1987. 1) Pick a partner to aid in your travel to the Klondike. 2) In a notebook take notes of information you gather while doing research for your voyage. 3) Begin looking over the sites that are linked below. As you continue to research keep in mind how you would have traveled and what kinds of resources you would need to make your journey. Keep notes on possible routes of travel and gear needed to make the trip to the Klondike Gold Rush area. Once completed with the WebQuest artistic depiction you will be presenting your journey to the rest of the class. Background Information on the
Klondike: http://www.historynet.com/klondike-gold-rush.htm http://www.nps.gov/klgo/historyculture/index.htm http://content.lib.washington.edu/extras/goldrush.htmlhttp://www.pbs.org/wgbh/amex/gold/about.html
Key Cities: Skagway SeattleSt. Michael Trails & Traveling: Chilkoot TrailWhite Pass Trail Trails Overview Supplies: http://www.questconnect.org/ak_chilkoot_supplies.htm http://www.lib.washington.edu/specialcoll/exhibits/klondike/case4ex2.html http://www.lib.washington.edu/specialcoll/exhibits/klondike/case4.htmlhttp://www.arcticwebsite.com/goldrushsupplies1898.html http://www.nps.gov/history/nr/twhp/wwwlps/lessons/55klondike/55klondike.htm Maps: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Klondike_Routes_Map.png http://www.questconnect.org/ak_klondike_map.htm http://www.nps.gov/klgo/forkids/images/gold_field_maps.jpg
Pictures: http://www.arcticwebsite.com/Yukonimages1898.html http://www.library.state.ak.us/hist/goldrush/mining.html http://www.library.state.ak.us/hist/goldrush/trail.htmlhttp://www.virtualmuseum.ca/Exhibitions/Goldrushphoto/02english/02intro.html Key Figures: Alexander "Big Alex" McDonald: http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf?_r=1&res=9A0CEED7103CE433A25754C1A9669D94699ED7CF http://www.yukonalaska.com/klondike/byprovince.html - Under Nova Scotia
Belinda Mulroney: http://www.yesnet.yk.ca/schools/carcross/klondike_women_pages/belinda_mulroney.htm http://library.thinkquest.org/11313/Gold_Rush/belinda.html
Kathleen "Klondike Kate" Rockwell: http://library.thinkquest.org/11313/Gold_Rush/kate.html http://www.yesnet.yk.ca/schools/carcross/klondike_women_pages/klondike_kate.htm
John W. Nordstrom: http://www.nps.gov/archive/klse/hrs/hrs3a.htm http://about.nordstrom.com/aboutus/companyhist/companyhist.asp
Video's: Off to the Klondike! The Search for Gold Rocking Gold in the Klondike (1901)Klondike Gold Rush Picture Video Klondike Gold Rush Images/Video Gold Rocker Box The WebQuest is finished and now it is time to demonstrate your knowledge of the Klondike Gold Rush. Next you will share your projects with the rest of the class. In this portion you will describe your journey and why you chose the route you did. Share what you expect to encounter on your journey and also what you think is waiting for you in the Klondike area. It is important to keep in mind the questions asked in the Task section when describing your travels. I am looking forward to hearing of your travels prospectors! Refer to this rubric for what I am looking for in the presentations and artistic depictions:
Beginning 1 Proficient 3 Exemplary 5 Score You have made the journey to the Klondike and experienced what past prospectors have experienced. By now you should have a better understanding of the reasoning behind the Klondike gold rush and what prospectors have endured to make it to the Klondike area. Think about this journey how it would be different if it were done in 2009. It was a pleasure traveling with you prospectors! Template for WebQuest: The WebQuest PageSpecial thanks to the National Park Service for images displayed in this WebQuest. A special thanks to the Seattle Klondike Gold Rush Museum The Seattle Klondike Museum is a free museum that is open to the public and provides excellent accounts of Seattle's role in the gold rush. It is a recommended visit if you are in the Seattle area and it's FREE!
E-Mail Me: Kell6091@pacificu.edu Webquest Last Updated: 12/13/2009 |