Life as an Ancient Greek Olympian

A WebQuest on Ancient Greek Olympics.

Designed by Sherilyn O


Introduction | Task | Process | Evaluation | Conclusion | Credits | Teacher Page


You are a news reporter and have been assigned to do a segment on the Ancient Greek Olympics. This would be so easy if we were living during that time...But wait! Look here! It's a time machine that is going to take us back, all the way back to the time when the Olympics first started in 776 BC. This is an amazing chance for you to get your story on the front page of the newspaper and get your name known! What was it like to be an Olympian during this time? Are there any major differences between today's Olympics and the Ancient Greek Olympics? Get ready to gather all the information you can because this time machine won't last forever!


The Task

As news reporters, your task is to follow the life of an Ancient Greek Olympian and observe the differences of the Olympic games during this time. As you explore this new world, keep these 4 essential questions in mind:

1. What was it like to be an Olympic athlete during this time?

2. Who was allowed to participate and watch the Olympic games?

3. What types of events were there and how do they differ from today's Olympic events?

4. How do you think that the life of an Olympic athlete during this time differs from the lifestyles of Olympic athletes now?

After you are done with this WebQuest, you will be asked to demonstrate your understanding of the Ancient Greek Olympics by creating a video with your group about the daily life on an Ancient Greek Olympian or writing a newspaper article about your journey with an Ancient Greek Olympian. Have fun and good luck!

*For this assignment, you will need a video camera and a movie editing program such as iMovie or Movie Maker.


The Process

On this Quest of getting to know an Ancient Greek Olympian and seeing the similarities and differences between then and now,

1. First, you will be assigned to pick either a team of 4 students (if you are creating a video) or a team of 2 (if you are creating a newspaper article).

2. Once you've picked your group members, figure out what roles you will take part of.

Here are some suggestions for those of you making a video:
-Camera person (can be alternated between group members)
-Olympic Athletes (can be more than one)
-News reporter
-Movie editor
*Each person must be in the movie at least once, so make sure that this is incorporated into your plan.

Here are some suggestions for those that are writing a newspaper article:
-Newspaper layout designer
*Each member must write a section of the newspaper, so think about what you want to write about and split up the writing parts with your partner. Both members also have to edit the other's section of the newspaper to make sure that both parts flow well together and correct any errors.

3. After you are done figuring out what each group member is doing, grab a notebook so that you can record everything you observe in Greece! Then explore the websites listed below and explore the Ancient Greek Olympics as much as you need to. Collect as much data and observation notes as possible. Don't forget to take notes on the 4 essential questions that were mentioned in the Task section. These questions will be a guide in obtaining all of your important data and observations.

4. When you feel that you have collected enough information to create your movie or newspaper article, find your group members and get started!

Here are some links that will help you with your project!

Daily Life of Athenian and Spartan
This will help you to understand what life would have been like if you were born during this time. It also allows you to compare the lifestyle of two different people at a time.

Games of Olympia
This site allows you to follow the Olympic events over the five days of the festival. It tells you what it would be like if you were an Olympic athlete and what you would have to prepare for during these days.

Olympic Games
Here you will be able to find out more about the Olympic games such as which event was the nastiest and who was allowed to watch the games.

Olympic Events
This website will guide you through the different types of Olympic events that they had in the Ancient Greek Olympics.

Click on: "The Olympics- visit the ancient games!" under the activities section to play a game on the Olympics!

Ancient Greek Olympics
Ancient Greek Olympics 2
These 2 websites give you additional information about the Ancient Greek Olympics. Feel free to explore them, new reporters!


Each group will be evaluated during the activity based on their active participation throughout all processes. Please refer to the rubric below to see what I was looking for in your presentation.











Groups researched and answered one of the essential questions and rarely spent computer time on task.
Groups researched and answered most of the essential questions and spent most of the computer time on task.
Groups researched and successfully answered all of the essential questions and spent all of the computer time on task.





The video or newspaper article does not adequately reflect the Ancient Greek Olympics. The elements of the product do not suggest understanding of the Ancient Greek Olympics.
The video or newspaper article reflects some of the elements of the Ancient Greek Olympics. The elements of the product suggest some understanding of the Ancient Greek Olympics.
The video or newspaper article is detailed and reflects the Ancient Greek Olympics. The elements of the product suggest a deep understanding of the Ancient Greek Olympics.





 Student shows little understanding of the Ancient Greek Olympics during class discussions and is hardly able to address the essential questions.
Student shows some understanding of the Ancient Greek Olympics during class discussions and is able to address most of the essential questions.
Student shows great understanding of the Ancient Greek Olympics during class discussions and is able to address all of the essential questions. 


Group Participation


Only one of the group members were featured in and participated in the video or newspaper article.
Most of the group members were featured in and participated in the video or newspaper article.
All of the group members were featured in and participated in the video or newspaper article.


You made it, Olympians! Now that the time machine has run out, we're back at school and by now you should fully understand what it was like to be an Ancient Greek Olympian, what types of Olympic events took place in the first Olympics, and how the first Olympics compare and contrast to the Olympics today. Hopefully this was a fun and interesting journey for you and you'll keep venturing out to find out more about the Ancient Greeks!

Credits & References

Photos provided by:

Resources provided by:

Thanks to Mark Bailey for providing the layout for this webquest.

Last updated on August 15, 1999. Based on a template from The WebQuest Page