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What is the state of education in Mr. Moe's classroom? 


Continuing Teaching License (CTL) Digital Portfolio


I have a predominately constructivist approach to learning. However, the behavioral approach to learning is necessary and is an important  part of my philosophy of education. Behavioral  learning helps students obtain necessary facts and information which frees students to learn through thinking and asking questions of their own. In essence,  the  behavioral  learning  is supportive and complimentary for the best possible constructivist learning by students. A positive constructivist learning environment, supported by behaviorist learning, will enable an exciting atmosphere to exist in the classroom which is conducive to optimum learning.

I have a passion for learning and sharing learning with others. I am a thinker and a question asker and thrive in an environment that not only accepts but truly respects thinkers and questioners. I believe the environment must be fun for optimum learning. Establishing a class environment that encourages this behavior in class will be comfortable for both the talkers and the listeners as ideas are exchanged and questions asked and answered. No legitimate questions will be allowed to be ridiculed and no legitimate attempts at answers will be ridiculed, but rather encouraged. Respect for all students and teachers will be required and the only price of admission for this exciting learning environment is attending class.

Assessing student learning will be the most challenging, most dynamic, and the most flexible part of my philosophy of education. Lesson plans will incorporate avenues of for learning in at least 2 to 3 areas of multiple intelligence. While simple reductionist assessment will be necessary to some degree, alternate assessment will be adapted so students can be observed for depth of understanding  through non-traditional, non-reductionist methods. Assessment criteria will be clearly explained to students prior to any assessment taking place. With each assessment I will use my own judgment with students for alternative assessment as long as the alternative assessment requires the student to show the depth of their learning.

My hope is to always foster an environment in the classroom that students  find safe, fun, challenging, and thought provoking. It will be a classroom different  from my previous  year  classroom  as it will incorporate new ideas I have  picked up from other professional educators and from life experiences. I will continually try to improve  the  learning environment  in the classroom . It is my hope that my class will continue to change and improve whether it is my fifth or twentieth year in teaching. I plan on being a life long learner.

Last Updated -7/15/04
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