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A second grade webquest on the states and
mainland territories of Australia

Designed by Miss Long

austrailia states

Introduction | Learners  | Process |Resources Evaluation Conclusion | Credits | Student Page


Introduction         austrailia

    This lesson was designed as part of a social studies unit for the second grade on Australia.  It is designed to cover a large amount of information in a short amount of time.  By having the students complete their own research and then being the audience for their classmates presentations, they are exposed to many different facts at one time.

     This lesson will cover all the states and mainland territories of Australia.  Different aspects of each region will be researched and presented.  Categories include weather, basic facts, people and culture, and any unique characteristics of the region.  I proposed to the students that I am visiting Australia but only have a short time to spend in the country and need to know what state or territory I should spend my time visiting.

     Another important aspect of the lesson is that the students are introduced to responsibilities of group work and learn how to manage projects to completion.  This is most likely a new level of expectation to second graders and gets them prepared for more of this style of instruction at future grade levels.

    This lesson may also involve students learning how to build presentations in various manors such as powerpoint, poster work or any of style of presentation they choose to use for this assignment.

Learners        austrailia

     This webquest is designed for second graders in the spring of the year.  I would recommend waiting until the spring because students will need the extra time to enhance their reading levels.  It also gives students time to cover research resources and techniques for inquiry in the library.  The students writing skills will be enhanced from this lesson because they will receive practice from completing the project.

     This lesson can easily be translated to many other grade levels and subjects.  In the social studies area it can be used for any area of study.  You can break any area of study down into different regions and assign students to groups.

     Before giving this lesson it is important that students have been introduced to Australia, identified it as a continent, and have some background information on Australia as a country.  This will aide the students in their research pursuits.

Standards      australia     
This webquest encompasses the following Oregon benchmark standards for elementary studies.
           • Understand the purpose of maps, globes and other geographic tools
           • Identify major physical features and describe how they are represented on maps, globes, and
             other tools
           • Identify physical characteristics of places and compare them
           • Understand how peoples' lives are affected by the physical environment
           • Identify and analyze cause and effect relationships in history
           • Identify and represent chronological relationships and patterns of change and continuity over time
           • Understand the importance and lasting influence of issues, events, people and developments
             in world history
           • Gather information relating to an issue or problem
           • Identify how people or living things might be affected by an event. issue, or problem
           • Identify possible options or responses; then make a choice or express an opinion
           • Recognize physical differences on Earth
           • Explore aspects of the creative process and the effect of different choices on one's work

The Process         austrailia

      The process begins by dividing the class into seven different categories.  I would recommend using teacher selected groups for the young students so that you can divide strengths among the groups.  As this will be some of the first concrete group work in which many of the students will have ever participated, I feel it is helpful to keep on top of the progress the groups are making.

     The states and territories are:
         • Western Australia
         • Northern Territory
         • South Australia
         • Queensland
         • New South Wales
         • Victoria
         • Tasmania

     There are five categories that I would like each group to research for their area and then present to the class. There will also be a conclusion to their project that will include reasons why I should visit their state or territory.  The reason I chose this conclusion is because I would like to see how the students reflect on their experience. For each category I would like the group to find a minimum of five facts to share.

     The five categories are

          • Facts you would like to share about the state or territory
          • Information on the people and culture of the region
          • History of the region
          • Description of the weather for the region
          • Things to see or do in that region

     Remind the groups that they need to divide the work up among all the students and make sure that everyone has a role.  I plan to find a little time to spend with each group on the first day to make sure that this occurs and that they understand how to move forward.

     When day two of the project comes around I will be doing my own presentation of the Australian Capital territory.  This is a territory that will not be assigned to any of the groups and this way I can model the presentation to the students.  On this day I will also plan for lots of questions and hopefully students will get a sense of what they are looking for in their research for their own presentations.

     It is probably helpful to have a day to go to the library as a class and have the librarian show the students how to pull a few resources from the library.  I will also book time in the computer lab so that students can each have access to their own computer to explore the web resources.  I plan to send a letter home to parents with the webquest information and encourage them to allow students to explore the resources at home.

     The projects are a large scale undertaking for students of this age.  I am going to ask about getting some parent involvement for the days when the students are working on presentations.  I will not allow the students to move on to the project work until the research portion is completed and the students feel it is the best work they can complete.

     I feel that any teacher at any level can complete this project.  There are  couple of elements that are important for the teacher to make happen for execution of a successful project.  You must be very patient and allow the students the levity to make some mistakes.  Help them to learn from their mistakes and stay organized.  The students will be disorganized themselves, it is important that you maintain an agenda.  You will need several days to plan and implement the projects.


Resources       Austrailia Weather

Here is a list of web resources that students can use for their research of their groups state or territory. 



Western Australia -

Northern Territory -

South Australia -


Queensland -

New South Wales -

Victoria -

Tasmania -


Evaluation         australia   

    Here is is a guide that can be used to asses students effort on the project.  I have chosen to go with more of an effort approach for this project because for many second graders it will be their first experience with group work and presentations.  I really want to give all the students a good experience with this assignment so that they will hopefully embrace group work and this style of learning.  My hope is that all the students and groups can earn a good score.
     I feel that I need to cover the expectations of the project throughout the entire process.  I will start with the introduction to the project and what I hope the class will accomplish.  Then once the class is divided into groups I will cover group expectations.  I have decided to cover presentation expectations as a class before students begin to pull their work together.  I also think it is important to give students a group grade and an individual grade so that they can see how their effort related to the group.

Score 1
Needs more Work
Meets Goals
Exceeds Goals
Quality of Research Could use more facts and information Enough facts and information to complete the project More Information than required and is detailed
Effort on Lesson and Project Could have done more
for the project
Completed all responsibilities for the project Put in extra effort for the completion of the project
Creativity of Presentation Could have made presentation more interesting Presentation
was interesting 
was creative
and interesting
Quality of Presentation Presentation
was adequate
was well done
Presentation showed extra effort

Conclusion         australia

    I feel that this project will help to increase the ability and esteem in my second grade students' classwork.  I believe they are up to the challenge and that I will be pleased with the quality of their presentations.  My objective is to have my students be able to identify the states and mainland territories of Australia and be able to tell me at least three things about that region.  Although the information required for students to research is not extensive the overall process will be challenging and will contribute to major academic growth for my students.

Credits & References          australia

Many thanks to the following for image use:


A special thanks to Dr. Mark Bailey at Pacific University for use of his web templates and rubrics for building this webquest.