Project Requirements:

1. You will work collaboratively in a group with 3 other people. 
2. With your group choose a major language group of Native Americans in Oregon to study. 
3. Investigate the websites on the web quest page listed under your language group’s name.
4. Use the questions page to guide you to collect relevant information. 
5. Compile this information on to a word/PDF document. 
6. Meet with your group and discuss your findings
7. Decide how you want to present the information you found.
8. Use the Rubric below to help you to create a project that reflects what you have learned about Native Americans in Oregon.
9. Sign up for a presentation time with the teacher.

Presentation Options:
1.	PowerPoint side show
2.	Colorful brochure
3.	Graphic timeline of your groups history
4.	Play or dramatic production
5.	Make Contact:  Contact and interview a person from this group. Record your interview and edit into a pod cast
6.	Other well thought out projects will be considered with prior teacher approval

Rubric/ Evaluation:

Assignment Requirements click:
 Project and Presentation Requirments.doc

Rubric click MyRubric.xls.html
