Quinn's Australia
On Monday, April 28th we left our home in Christchurch New Zealand and began our trip. First we went to Australia.
We are now in Australia, today we flew from Christchurch to Sydney. But due to bad weather we were forced to go to Melbourne. Melbourne International Airport was crammed with victims of rereouted flights. We waited for quite some time before we could get tickets to Sydney. After much delay we took off for Sydney. It was a short flight, and we were soon in Sydney. We later went to a wonderful Digoridoo concert.
The next day we took a cruise across Sydney harbor. We saw the Sydney Opera House. It was amazing, the design, the size. Then we went to Sydney zoo. It was pretty cool Kangaroos, Tasmanian Devils, Koalas, and everything else. To get there we needed to use a gondola. Then we took a hike on a nearby trail. We saw wild Kookaburras, and the sun set over Sydney. Then we took the ferry back. |
We had recently decided to do the Blue Mountain Tour. It was a lot of fun we hiked through the Aussie bush, collected ocre around waterfalls, and saw the Olympic Village. We also went to a wildlife reserve where we fed Kangaroos, cuddled Koalas, and saw Tasmanian Devils. We later heard Digoridoo playing, and threw boomerangs. The next day we left Sydney for Singapore. |
Copyright © 2003 Bailey Educational Adventures
Direct comments or questions to baileym@pacificu.edu
Page last updated on Friday, July 25, 2003