Quinn's Italy
Today we are in Italy, last night we drove from switzerland through Milan to Reggio Emilia. In Reggio Emilia we stayed at a hostel that used to be a monastary. Today we are going to make it to Florence. |
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We arrived in Florence last night. We were going to go to the Ufizi gallery today but it and many other galleries were closed due to a strike. So today we went to see the David sculpture by Michelangelo, it was in the Galleria Del Acadamia. It was very detailed, everything was done so carefully. There were also many other sculptures by Michelangelo, such as the prisoners. The prisoners appear to be unfinished and trapped in stone. Sadly no pictures were allowed in the museum, but there was a replica of david that we could take pictures of. We also went to a hill where we could view most of Florence. |
Today we went to the Bargello gallery, the San Maria and the Cathedral. The San Maria was home to Michelangelos unfinished pieta, along with many other famous sculptures and paintings. The Bargello gallery housed many Michelangelos, along with some Donatellos. There were also many busts and sculptures. There was also a bell tower that seemed to to be of the same time period as the works of art. Last we went to the Cathedral. The Cathedral had a large dome with many painted figures. There was also a choir singing. |
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The Ufizi gallery and the Peti Palace are the things we went to today. The Ufizi is home to many famous paintings, and sculptures. It was very amazing to be there and see so many things. The Peti Palace is where the Medicis lived, there were many amazing works of art there. Tomorrow we leave Florence For Orvieto. Then we go to Rome. |
Last night we got into Orvieto. We stopped in Sienna to see the preparation for one of Siennas famous horse races. Today we get to Rome. |
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Today we're in Rome we just came back from the Coloseum and the Pantheon. It was amazing to see the Coloseum. It was the size of many sports arenas, it also had many levels. It was possible to see the passages and the elevators used to move animals and gladiators through and around the Coloseum. We were able to walk around the diffirent levels of it. We also went to the Pantheon. The Pantheon was a large dome with a large hole at the top to let the light in. At diffirent times the light shone on different gods. Today was very intriguing, tomorrow we go to the Vatican. |
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Today we went to the Vatican, St. Peters and the Sistine Chapel. First we went to the Sistine Chapel. To get to the Sistine Chapel we had to navigate through the museum. Finally we found it, it was amazingly big and deteiled. Sadly no pictures were allowed, but I got some pictures of a replica. Next we went to St. Peters. It was Huge, with five domes, each one Painted very intricuitly. We also got tickets and went to the top of the largest dome. It was amazing we could see for miles. Tomorrow we go to Pisa. |
Today we arrived in Pisa, our hotel is about two blocks from the leaning tower. The leaning tower of Pisa leans at quite an angle. We also climbed to the top of the tower. We could see for quite a ways. It was very interesting to be at an angle the whole time. Today was our last day in Italy, tomorrow we go to France. |
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Copyright © 2003 Bailey Educational Adventures
Direct comments or questions to baileym@pacificu.edu
Page last updated on Friday, July 25, 2003