Me, Raeme, Brienne, and Smokey our cat

Me, Raeme, and Brienne

Raeme. me, Brienne, David, and Jeremy

Erik and Me |
I Am From The Lazy
River and Tofu Stir-fries
I am from naked Barbie’s and tiny trolls,
From swimming in the lazy river, drying
Our wet bodies on the hot road.
I am from the earth, the clay squelching
Between my bare toes
From Swiss chard and ripe tomatoes
I am from Beanie babies and scratchy pink tutus
Scarves in tow
From the rusted yellow truck and the old MG.
I am from Muzi, Bami,
Norman and Ramona
From treat others the way you want to be treated
And the twisted climbing tree.
I am from hot tubing in the rain and snow
From faeries and unicorns and cats and dogs.
I am from the scary woods dense with the unknown,
From tofu stir-fries and one pot mystery dinners.
I am from the early bird gets the worm
And it’s never to late to try
From acting as prince charming and musicals
I am from the Blacklidge’s and the Pecor’s
From camping in the summer, skiing and
Snow dances in the winter
I am from hardworking parents
From Bob Dylan and the Beatles
I am from belly laughs and silent tears
From the younger sister but the older too
I am from homemade parades, Greenee and Rapapa
And no boys allowed
From reading Redwall and Harry Potter
On humid summer nights
I am from Pattulo
Way, strawberry shortcake on my birthday
From I love you and good night kisses.
Home videos and photo albums line the shelves
Boxes of keep-sakes lay remembered in the attic
I am from those moments
Captured forever in my heart and mind.
-- Shannon Blacklidge
I grew up in West Linn in a small neighborhood along the
Tualatin River. I lived with my mother, father, two sisters and two
brothers. My parents are both vegetarians and have raised us as
vegetarians too. I spent my childhood playing with my siblings, playing
in the woods, swimming in the river, picking blackberries and playing
sports. I used to play: soccer, basketball, volleyball, softball,
track, crosscountry and in college I was on the OSU's womens crew team.
I also enjoy hiking, camping, backpacking, disc golf, and riding my
bike. I love being outdoors and being active. I also really enjoy
painting, drawing, making stained glass, knitting, reading for
pleasure, creative writing, theatre, and doing craft projects.
I graduated from West Linn High School and went to Oregon State
University where I got my bachelor of arts in sociology with an option
in crime and justice. I met my boyfriend Erik freshman year at OSU. I
am currently getting my Masters of Arts in Teaching at Pacific
University. I am doing my student teaching in Carlton, Oregon at
Carlton Elementary. I hope to teach elementary school grades 1-3.


Brienne, me, and Raeme

David and Jeremy

Erik and Me