Shannon Blacklidge |
My Family |
Raeme, David, Brienne, my mom, my dad, me, and Jeremy ![]() Raeme, Mom, Brienne, Dad, and me in Mexico My family recently moved from West
Linn to Oregon City were we live on five beautiful acres affectionately
called Laughing Crow Farm. We have ten chickens, two goats, two dogs,
and four cats.
View of Mt. Hood Our Little Chicks My mom is a full time mother, massage therapist, as well as a Master Gardner. She is constantly making our home more beautiful. My father is an Attourney but a farmer at heart. They plan on converting some of the property into a small vinyard sometime in the near future. My dad and mom
Brienne is two years older than me and graduated from University of Oregon maroing in Humanaties. She worked for Mercy Corps. before entering into the Peace Corps. Brienne is currently a Peace Corps health educator in Tanzania, Africa. To see pictures and hear about her adventures you can visit her blog at . Breinne and her boyfriend Reed
Raeme is three and a half years younger than me. I only say the half because it makes her four school years younger. She is a freshman at University of Oregon and is undesided on her major. ![]() Raeme
David and Jeremy are my twin brothers. They are nine and in the third grade at Beaver Creek elementary school. My Brothers have inspired me to pursue teaching as a career. ![]() David and Jeremy Jeremy and David