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Continuing Teaching License (CTL) Digital Portfolio

1. Pre-Assessment and Analysis
7. Documentation
2. Planning and Design
8. Research
3. Classroom Climate
9. Teacher Participation
4. Implementing Instruction
10. Professional Responsibilities
5. Collaboration
6. Evaluation
12. Reflection

. Pre-Assessment and Analysis 

Candidate assesses the knowledge and skills of students in relation to long-term content goals and district standards and determines the knowledge and skills each student needs to meet the goals and standards. 


Pre-Assessment is the core of my Learning Support Program.  It is the initial step after the decision to evaluate has been made within the special education evaluation process.  I do formal standardized academic testing and report results to the team.  Analysis takes place both during and after formalized testing.  The most helpful pre-assessment and analysis happens while the student is demonstrating what he/she is able to do in a small one-on-one setting.  See exhibit at my presentation .  Reporting Testing Results  

When a child qualifies for services under federal IDEIA an Individualized Education Plan is written and implemented. Sample IEP Academic testing always drives instruction.  I assess my students on a regular basis to maintain accurate data and the fidelity of the goals and objectives stated in the IEP.  In addition, I align my goals and objectives to directly correlate with State and District grade level expectations and standards. This helps track students’ progress, rate of learning, and is an indicator of whether or not a student is on track to meet specific adequate yearly progress.   I use daily, weekly, and monthly assessments to plan my instruction.  In special education data and documentation are essential because of the legal ramifications involved. 

  I believe in thorough assessment at the end of every month to get the actual percentages of each child’s gains according to their own Individual Education Plans, and make adjustments to their plan accordingly. Sample PLEP (Present Level of Educational Performance) Sample#2 PLEP See exhibit at my Presentation.



II. Planning and Design

Candidate designs instructional plans that incorporate knowledge of students’ developmental levels, interests, abilities, and learning accomplishments consistent with content goals and district standards. 

Insert here a written rationale that explains how you can meet these performance indicators. Provide evidence that you meet these indicators in the form of an exhibit. The exhibit you insert will be a link to some evidence that you have selected from your teaching practice that illustrates your competency in this area. You must digitize that exhibit and save it in a web-friendly format and then link it to this page.

III. Classroom Climate 

Candidate establishes a classroom climate conducive to learning, e.g. positive classroom management, a safe and developmentally appropriate environment, efficient organization of time and materials, and effective transitions. 

 I communicate with my students by asking them questions about their own individual interests as well as their families.  I become familiar with my students through many of my language arts activities, especially when we all get to share.  We talk about text-to-self connections and text- to-world connections.  These types of activities have opened the door for mutual communication between the students themselves and myself.  The children in my class are able to identify and bond with all the kids in the small groups that I instruct.  We learn from the first day that we are everyone's cheerleader.  Mutual respect and support  among everyone in my classroom is important; especially when we are asking our children to take both academic and social risks.  It is a safe environment.

The very first day of Learning Support Class all of the students we serve sign a contract, Rules for Learning Support .     We read, discuss, role play and talk about what the expectations are and  what that looks like in Learning Support. Both teachers and students sign this contract and it is placed inside of their cubby and revisited during critical re-teaching of expectations time - usually after long weekend holidays and breaks. 

Students are also encouraged to understand their job when they enter Learning Support.  They should be able to independently go to their cubby, pull out their independent work and be self starters.  It is crucial that my population of children do not become dependent on others, especially adults around them to coax and plea with them to do work.  I offer engaging activities that allow for the learner to practice skills needed to be successful in my room, as well as the general education classroom.  I have children who have become pillars of their general education class when it comes to work ethic.  See Cubby Photos

 My staff and I  establish an atmosphere of trust, openness, and mutual respect by modeling these traits in front of the students .  I also teach these behaviors through Life Skills education. 

I have my students keep their own  daily data on their individual reading progress.  This puts the responsibility on the students and gives them immediate daily feedback on their own individual progress.  This, combined with creating an environment that has established independent parameters, allows students to own their work and take pride in it.  See Read Naturally Graph

I have also written a list of Classroom Rules and Guidelines for Learning Support that I review with assistants at the beginning of the school year.  I extensively train my staff to work using positive behavior management skills and to provide an environment where all kids can feel safe, wanted and needed.  In addition to training my staff, I am also responsible for documenting my para-professionals' district annual evaluations, which are stored as part of the employee's personnel file. Evergreen School District Classified Employee Evaluation


IV. Implementing Instruction 

Candidate implements instructional plans that employ knowledge of subject matter, use research-based educational practices that reflect how students learn, and are sensitive to individual differences.   

Insert here a written rationale that explains how you can meet these performance indicators. Provide evidence that you meet these indicators in the form of an exhibit. The exhibit you insert will be a link to some evidence that you have selected from your teaching practice that illustrates your competency in this area. You must digitize that exhibit and save it in a  web-friendly format and then link it to this page.

V. Collaboration 

Candidate collaborates with parents, colleagues, and members of the community to provide internal and external assistance to students and to their families, if needed, to promote student learning when necessary.   

I communicate  teachers on a regular basis.  I am currently coordinating with our literacy coach to share on ideas that will help our Learning Support students gain more from the language arts activities that we do within my classroom.  I also prepare older students for social studies, math, and reading for information by working with grade level teams on units that I can preteach, especially the introduction of new vocabulary in core instruction.


VI. Evaluation 

Candidate evaluates student progress in learning, refines plans for instruction, and establishes alternative goals or environments for learning when necessary. 

Insert here a written rationale that explains how you can meet these performance indicators. Provide evidence that you meet these indicators in the form of an exhibit. The exhibit you insert will be a link to some evidence that you have selected from your teaching practice that illustrates your competency in this area. You must digitize that exhibit and save it in a  web-friendly format and then link it to this page.

VII. Documentation and Reporting

Candidate documents and reports the progress of students in achieving content goals and district standards.

Insert here a written rationale that explains how you can meet these performance indicators. Provide evidence that you meet these indicators in the form of an exhibit. The exhibit you insert will be a link to some evidence that you have selected from your teaching practice that illustrates your competency in this area. You must digitize that exhibit and save it in a  web-friendly format and then link it to this page.

VIII. Research

Candidate uses emerging research on teaching, learning, and school improvement.

Insert here a written rationale that explains how you can meet these performance indicators. Provide evidence that you meet these indicators in the form of an exhibit. The exhibit you insert will be a link to some evidence that you have selected from your teaching practice that illustrates your competency in this area. You must digitize that exhibit and save it in a  web-friendly format and then link it to this page.

IX. Teacher Participation 

Candidate participates in designing, evaluating, and improving opportunities for teaching and learning in an educational institution.


Insert here a written rationale that explains how you can meet these performance indicators. Provide evidence that you meet these indicators in the form of an exhibit. The exhibit you insert will be a link to some evidence that you have selected from your teaching practice that illustrates your competency in this area. You must digitize that exhibit and save it in a  web-friendly format and then link it to this page.

X. Professional Responsibilities 

Candidate works to enhance job performance and advance teaching as a profession.

Insert here a written rationale that explains how you can meet these performance indicators. Provide evidence that you meet these indicators in the form of an exhibit. The exhibit you insert will be a link to some evidence that you have selected from your teaching practice that illustrates your competency in this area. You must digitize that exhibit and save it in a  web-friendly format and then link it to this page.

XI. Technology 

Candidate demonstrates the appropriate and thoughtful use of technology.

Insert here a written rationale that explains how you can meet these performance indicators. Provide evidence that you meet these indicators in the form of an exhibit. The exhibit you insert will be a link to some evidence that you have selected from your teaching practice that illustrates your competency in this area. You must digitize that exhibit and save it in a  web-friendly format and then link it to this page.

XII. Reflection

Candidate demonstrates the ability to use reflection as a tool to improve his or her professional skills.

Insert here a written rationale that explains how you can meet these performance indicators. Provide evidence that you meet these indicators in the form of an exhibit. The exhibit you insert will be a link to some evidence that you have selected from your teaching practice that illustrates your competency in this area. You must digitize that exhibit and save it in a  web-friendly format and then link it to this page.

Last Updated -6/28/04
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