Miss. Postma
"Family love is messy, clinging, and of an annoying and repetitive pattern, like bad wallpaper."
                           ~Friedrich Nietzsche
About Me
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My immediate family plus my sister-in-law at my brother's wedding.
My Family
Personal Projects

I am the youngest of four siblings. I grew up in Eugene, OR with my parents, two sisters and my brother. We've always been big on family traditions, mostly around the holidays. On Thanksgiving and Christmas we always get together with my mom's side of the family for a big dinner with lots of laughter and then spend some time with my dad's side of the family later. I love being a part of a big family and hope that our family traditions continue so that when I have children of my own they can participate.

Below are pictures of some of my family at my brother's wedding.
                                                         My brother and his wife cutting their cake.                                     The toast.
                                 Dad               Mom and Dad dancing.
                                                            My dad and my 1st grade teacher who's a very good family friend.                                                     My mom and grandma.
                                          My cousin's daughter and I chatting.              My cousin's other daughter and I dancing.

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Page last updated on Monday, December 1, 2008