Miss. Postma
"It is difficult to say what is impossible, for the dream of yesterday is the hope of today and the reality of tomorrow"
                            ~Robert H. Goddard
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OSU Swim Team my senior year
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For as long as I can remember I've been a part of a swim team. In fact, this is the first year in my memory that I haven't been on a swim team. I swam for about 18 years as a part of a team. When I was little my mom found River Road Park a great place to take me and my three siblings so we'd all be busy at the same time. My siblings all joined the River Road Swim Club, and I had private lessons until the coach asked my mom if I could swim in a meet (they needed another swimmer for the 6 and under relay and I was four). My mom agreed and since that moment on I've been a swimmer. I loved swimming in high school, and even made it to the State Championships. After I received my acceptance letter to Oregon State University I got in contact with the coach of the swim team. He offered to let me tryout during their preseason. I took the opportunity and after a hard two weeks he offered me a spot on the team. The next four years held both struggles and triumphs in and out of the pool. I loved being a part of the team and remembering all the good times we had. I do miss being a part of a team, but I hope that in the future I'll be able to continue my swimming career in some form.
 My coaches, parents and I at my last home meet.
Me swimming the 500 Freestyle during my senior year at OSU. Me and teammate Saori in Hawaii. Senior Swimmers '07-'08 Swimming is not always a pretty sport.
Swimming the 1650 during my last home meet. Me and teammates at the OSU Athletic Banquet. Me and fellow senior swimmer at the Benny's. Me and teammates at my senior year swim team banquet.

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Page last updated on Monday, December 1, 2008