Miss. Postma
"Real happiness comes from inside. Nobody can give it to you."
                       ~Sharon Stone

About Me
My Philosophy of Education
Digital Portfolio
My Blog
My cat Westley
My Family
Personal Projects

I am currently a student at Pacific University in Forest Grove, Oregon. I'm working to obtain my Master's Degree in the Art of Teaching. Last year I graduated with my BA from Oregon State University with an option in elementary education and a minor in Spanish. In addition to taking class at Pacific I am student teaching at Free Orchards Elementary School in Cornelius, Oregon. I have two placements, both in mixed classrooms. One is made up of 1st and 2nd graders while the other has both 3rd and 4th graders.

I am so excited to be working with children again, and I can't wait to see where I am emotionally and cognitively in June. I hope you enjoy looking through my website and getting to know a little about me.

The background image for this entire site comes from http://www.zianet.com/demisque/background.htm

Erin Postma's Home-
Copyright © 2008. All rights reserved.
Page last updated on Monday, December 1, 2008