Miss. Postma
"Nothing is really work unless you would rather be doing something else."
                       ~James M. Barrie
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Me allowing my mask to dry before taking it off.
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Pictures from some of the work I've this year.

Playing drums during Happy Hedgehog lesson. Me trying an aboriginal form of art with chalk. Tie-dying with kindergarteners.
Tie-dying with kindergarteners still. Using my face to construct a mask. Bravely covering everything except my nostrils.
My hand while the plaster is being put on. Waiting for my mask to dry. Putting a mask on Megan.
My finished mask- unpainted. Beginning to paint my mask. Painting my mask.
Painting mask. Still painting my mask. Playing Cat's Cradle with string.
Trying to figure out what letter my classmate is drawing on my hand. My whole cohort in a "box." Dancing and movement day.
Fellow classmate and I making up our own move. Creating an image using hula hoops.

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Page last updated on Monday, December 1, 2008