Miss. Postma
"Pretty much all the honest truth telling there is in the world is done by children."
                                 ~Oliver Wendell Holmes
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Twin Oaks Elementary School This is Twin Oaks Elementary School in Eugene, OR. It's where I went for kindergarten and first grade. I'll never forget my two years there. I'll forever remember dissecting a squid with the fifth graders in kindergarten and dropping eggs in the first grade along with many other memories of the friends I had and the things we did.
This is Spring Creek Elementary School where I went for the rest of my elementary school years. I loved all my teachers and the new friends that I made. I have too many memories to say any of them, but I now find it interesting that while I was there all the 4th and 5th grade teachers were male. Spring Creek Elementary School
Madison Middle School Madison Middle School is where I spent went for 6th, 7th and 8th grade. I think my best memory was in 8th when one of my best friends and I helped plan our 8th grade trip to Seattle. We loved having the extra responsibility...and being able to miss some of our science class.
North Eugene High School. Sometimes I wish I could go back to these years. I was busy in high school going to practice before school, followed by classes, then back to the pool for practice again and then work teaching swim lessons. My favorite classes were Child Development with Ms. Stacey and the internship I had my senior year in the preschool on North's campus. North Eugene High School
Oregon State University After high school I went on to Oregon State University. My grandpa and both my parents got their degrees from here as well. While this experience was different than high school, a lot of the elements were still the same. I woke early most mornings for swim practice before I went to my classes and then had practice again in the afternoon. Besides the fact that I was living away from home, the major difference was that I didn't have the time or extra energy to work.
During the last couple years at OSU I started to think about what I'd do afterwards. I knew that to be a teacher I'd have to get my master's degree at some point and figured that the best option for me was to continue my schooling and go into a graduate program after graduating. I chose Pacific because I'd heard that some of the best student teachers were from Pacific. I'm happy with the choice I made and at the end of this year I'll be ready to step into my own classroom. Pacific University in Forest Grove, OR

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Page last updated on Monday, December 1, 2008